We kicked off April by taking this little cutie to Starbuck's after we picked her up from pre-school. She loves sharing our drinks with us and crunching on the Bobo (candy) ice!!

April is always a busy month with teams and Easter. During the first part of the month, we had a dental team from Indiana with us, so I became a dental assistant! Our kids had a lot of dental needs so the dentists were much appreciated!! Thanks Dr. Payne (how's that for a dentist's name??) and Dr. Brett!! Jen and I were the primary dental assistants. The dentists were very patient with us and taught us so much about dentistry. They even let us do some things that wouldn't happen so much in the states. I gave one of the kids a deadening shot! It was a lot of fun learning and experiencing and working alongside them. It makes me appreciate my good teeth!! There was one girl that we saw and we probably could have pulled all of her teeth…and she would have been much better off and in far less pain! So sad! The stats: we saw 71 patients, we did 132 fillings, and 73 extractions! Whew!
Jen and I searching for just the right instruments! Is it a scraper or a carver? |
On this one occasion, it took both dentists to do the job! |
Open wide!! |
H2H staff with the dental team |
Easter was fairly calm for us this year because we didn't have a team and some of kids were either working or out of town. We did hide the annual golden egg and it was almost not found. But at the last minute, it was found taped up in one of our outside umbrellas hidden inside of another egg!! We were very tricky this year!!
Pre-Easter bunnies at the Voluntari Orphanage! |
She's so cute!! |
Dying Easter Eggs |
My cookie making helper!! |
The big day….
Me with the BTH boys |
Searching for the "Golden Egg" |
Searching, searching, searching…. |
Nope, not in the rose bushes!! |
Pinterest…epic failure on the bunny rolls!! |
Is it in there? |
Yep, the "Golden Egg" is found!! |
We have this same picture on our fridge from last year! Ruthie wanted to recreate it!! |
Yummy desserts!!! |
Inside of the cake!! Surprise!!! |
After Easter, we hosted the Canadian Team!! A delightful little group that is always very, very helpful!!
Crafts! |
Carnival! |
Stories! |
Birthday Party complete with cupcakes! |
Playtime! |
Time for water!! |
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