Many of you who have come on teams have asked about the girls that were in the house last year. So, here is an update on what they are doing and how they are doing...

Andreea lived and worked in Bucharest until August 2010 and then moved back to Galati to where her family is. In late October/early November, she called and asked if she could stay overnight at our team house because she was going to be flying out to London. Through a friend, she had found a job in London being a nanny. After being there a little while and through some connections of her aunt's, she got a job working in a hair salon, but the pay was low. I spoke with her a couple of weeks ago and she told me she is now working at a car dealership as what sounds to me like a little more than a secretary. She said it is hard work and there is little room for mistakes, but she likes it there. She lives with her aunt and family and attends the Hillsong London Church. She told me she went through some very hard times but things seem to be a little bit better for her right now.
After Mihaela finished the girl's program, she moved back to Galati to be with her son. She searched for jobs in the hair industry in Galati but didn't have much luck. She got married about six months after she moved back and is doing great. She is expecting her second child in October....most likely a little girl. She desires to go to University next spring.
Catalina worked in Bucharest for about 10 months cleaning at a local grocery supermarket. When the firm that she was working for was bought out by a different firm and was told she was going to be transfered, she decided to quit her job. She looked for a job for about three weeks and didn't find anything. She had pretty much already decided that she was going to go back to Alexandria and that is what she did. She is living in a very small apartment with four other girls and cleaning the hallways of four story apartment buildings.
Silvia went from cleaning job to cleaning job, quitting after only one or two weeks. She probably had about 6-7 jobs in a time period of three months. We finally told her that she needed to keep her job or she would have to go back to Alexandria. The day finally came when we had to follow through and there was a big scandal, but in the end, Ghita and Costel drove her to Alexandria. The next day, we found out that a young man sent her money to come back to Bucharest by taxi. She currently lives with him in a student dormitory with two other couples. She is doing okay, but still not working.